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Apirl 25:Finnish Economist Dr. Dan Steinbock to talk about "Nokia and Finland: Strategic Success in the World's Most Competitive Economy"


【Topic】Nokia and Finland: Strategic Success in the World’s Most Competitive Economy

【Speaker】Dr. Dan Steinbock

【Time】2007-4-25 15:30-16:30

【Venue】Room 336,Weilun Building


【Organizer】Research Center for Technological Innovation(RCTI)

【Target Audience】Faculty and Doctoral candidates, MBA

【Backgound Information】

Dr Steinbock will explore the evolution of Nokia’s strategy and the transformation of the company – from a forestry enterprise and a conglomerate to the world’s leading mobile communications concern.

Dr Steinbock is a specialist of strategy and competitiveness, innovation and globalization. Currently, he focuses on issues of competitiveness and innovation in theUnited States,Europe,ChinaandIndia. He hasalso published extensively on strategy and competition in the mobile business, including The Mobile Revolution (2005), which has been translated inChina,Vietnam,RussiaandUkraine, and The Nokia Revolution (2001). In January 2007, Dr Steinbock visited Tsinghua as special advisor for Mr Mauno Pekkarinen,Finland’s Minister of Trade and Industry. InFinland, his most recent studies includeFinland’s Innovative Capacity (2006), The Competitiveness of Finland’s Clusters (2006) and The Competitiveness of Finland’s Large Urban Regions (2007).