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Mar.27:New Development in Revenue Management Research


【Topic】New Development in Revenue Management Research

【Speaker】Siliang Yang

【Time】2007-3-27 10:30-12:00

【Venue】Room453, Weilun Building


【Organizer】Department of Management Science and Engineering

【Backgound Information】

PROS is a world leader in pricing and revenue optimization software,specializing in price analytics, price execution, and priceoptimization.With 280+ solutions deployed in 50+ countries, PROSserves 120+ clients across 10 industries including Manufacturing,Chemicals, Petroleum, Distribution, Services, Rentals, Cargo,Hospitality, Cruise, and Airlines.PROS software helps companies improve realized price and margins throughenhanced visibility of pricing performance, analytic decision support inprice negotiations, and scientific demand forecasting to supportoptimized price recommendations.PROS clients have reported hundreds ofmillions of dollars in incremental revenue and profits as a result ofusing PROS price management and optimization software.