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June 25:Chi-Tai Wang:IBM Semiconductor Manufacturing & Supply Chain Planning


【Topic】IBM Semiconductor Manufacturing & Supply Chain Planning

【Speaker】Chi-Tai Wang

【Time】2007-6-25 10:30-12:00

【Venue】453, Weilun Building


【Organizer】Department of Management Science and Engineering

【Backgound Information】

In this talk, the following key points will be covered:

Part I: Introduction to IBM Global Engineering Solutions (IBM GES)business unit:

* Functions

* Offerings

Part II: Introduction to IBM Operational Framework for Advanced Supply

Chain Planning software and the team created it:

* Semiconductor manufacturing

* Challenges in semiconductor and other high tech supply chain planning

* Innovative ways to tackle the challenges

* The development team

Part III: IBM’s rich supply chain resources:

* 50th anniversary for IBM’s manufacturing campus in Essex Junction,Vermont

* The Integrated Supply Chain planning team

Brief Biography:

Dr. Chi-Tai Wang is currently an advisory engineer/scientist in IBM Systems & Technology Group in theUnited States. Dr. Wang has participated in the development, deployment and enhancement of IBM's advanced supply chain planning solutions and supported their productionuse at IBM and IBM's clients since 1999.He has filed several patent applications, written technical articles, and given presentations onthese advanced solutions and other topics in supply chain planning on many occasions.Currently, he is also serving as an editor for "Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers."He received Ph.D.and Master of Science degrees in Industrial & Operations Engineering fromUniversityofMichiganatAnn Arbor.