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May 29:Prof. Asit Sarkar with the University of Saskatchewan:Entrepreneurship: Overview and Hotspots


【Topic】Entrepreneurship: Overview and Hotspots

【Speaker】Asit Sarkar

【Time】2007-5-29 14:00-15:30

【Venue】Weilun Building 336


【Background Information】

Dr. Asit Sarkar is Professor of Management and Marketing at theUniversityofSaskatchewan. Spanning a career of over thirty years, Dr. Sarkar held a variety of academic and administrative appointments at theUniversityofSaskatchewanand other institutions inCanadaand abroad.

From1993 to 2002, Dr. Sarkar served as the first Director of University ofSaskatchewanInternational (USI) and Special Adviser to the President of University of Saskatchewan. Prior to that, he was Associate Dean of University’sCollegeofCommerce, first Director of the Centre forInternational Business Studies, and Head of the Department of Management and Marketing. He also held visiting faculty appointments inSingapore,MalaysiaandIndonesia.

Dr. Asit Sarkar has served as a specialist on capacity building and institutional development in a variety of international projects in such countries asBulgaria,China,Indonesia,KyrgyzRepublic,Philippines,RussiaandUkraine. He also led export development missions of MBAstudents and their corporate sponsors toSingapore,Malaysia,Thailand,Philippines,South KoreaandTaiwan. His current research interests include comparative analysis of technology commercialization process and its implications for regional economies. Continuing his focus on the knowledge economy, also includes knowledge mobilization and knowledge sharing in social sciences and humanities.

Education Background

Asit Sarkar

B.Comm (Dhaka)

M.Comm (Dhaka)

MBA (Hawaii)

Ph.D. (Houston)

Doctor Honoris (Chernivtsi)