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Oct.25: Furen Lin from Dept. of Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Monitoring Web 2.0 Business Ecosystem Using Text Mining Techniques


【Topic】"Monitoring Web 2.0 Business Ecosystem Using Text Mining Techniques"

【Speaker】Furen Lin

【Time】2007-10-25 13:30-14:30

【Venue】Room 336, Weilun Building


【Organizer】The Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

【Target Audience】Faculty and Doctoral Candidates

【Background Information】

The abstract is listed as follows:

The Web 2.0 comes through a rapid growing period, each company collaborates or competes in economic web of relationships directly or indirectly would eventually affect the ecosystem. The players will change its role during different period of time. Web eco-Watcher monitors the complicated and self-evolving business ecosystem of Web 2.0 using the observed Web sites traffic, news and blog articles.

Qualitatively, it extracts the relationships to identify keystone and niche players among business ecosystem of Web 2.0, and quantitatively, it detects special events for each player via the variations of frequency of discussing observed Web site in blogs and its traffic.

The composition of knowledge from the ecosystem and the news reports on observed companies with background information will specify the acquisition strategy each keystone player exercises. To filter out information on insignificant events will also help reduce the cost onmonitoring the players within the ecosystem.