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July 5: Amiya K. Chakravarty: Supply Chain Research


【Topic】Supply Chain Research

【Speaker】Amiya K. Chakravarty

【Time】2007-7-5 10:30-12:00

【Venue】453, Weilun Building


【Organizer】Department of Management Science and Engineering

【Background Information】


I will outline my research in the following areas: teaming-up in supply chain, information asymmetry, capacity sharing, telecom supply chain portal, outsourcing, alliance formation in supply chain, information sharing, decoupling design from manufacturing, and supply chaindisruptions. I will discuss the nature of models and some difficulties I have faced.


Amiya K. Chakravarty is the A. B. Freeman Chair in Business (E-Business and Operations Management). He received his PHD from the London School of Economics in Operations Research, and Management. He has an MS in Operations Research and a BS in Engineering also from theLondonUniversityinEngland.

For over two decades since PHD, he has been teaching and researching in the general area of Operations and New Technology in universities and industries. His pursuit of excellence has taken him to several countries (England,India,Malaysia, and theU.S.) for work experience.

His Research spans several topics such as Operations and Manufacturing Strategy, Supply Chain Inventories and Coordination, Knowledge Base for Operations Control, Manufacturing and Marketing Interface, International Plant Configuration, Manufacturing Flexibility, and Engineering Change Management. He has published in all major academic and professionaljournals, and serves on the editorial board of several prominent journals.

He has taught a wide range of courses which fall into the broad categories of Operations Management and Operations Research . He has developed and taught electives on topics such as Project management, Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Manufacturing Information Systems and

Materials Management. He currently teaches two MBA electives on Global Operations and Technology Management, and Operations and Supply Strategy. He has also taught many short courses for business executives.

He is active in several professional societies including INFORMS, POMS, DSI, and IIE. He was the General Chair of the INFORMS national meeting atNew Orleans, and has, variously, been the track (cluster) chair and sessions chair at several INFORMS, POMS, and DSI meetings. He chaired a symposium on global operations and technology management attended by leading scholars and practitioners from prominent universities and industries. He has delivered over a hundred papers at professional society meetings.

He has served in many administrative and committee roles such as area chair, research director, university senator, president’s task force, and dean’s advisory panel.