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Dec.20: Associate Professor from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Harry X. Wu:Technical Progress and Efficiency Change in Chinese Industry, 1952-2005


【Speaker】Harry X. Wu, Associate Professor of Economics,SchoolofAccountingand Finance, TheHong KongPolytechnicUniversity

【Topic】Technical Progress and Efficiency Change in Chinese Industry, 1952-2005

【Time】15:15-16:45, 2007-12-20, Thursday

【Venue】Room501, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Department of Economics

【Background Information】Harry X. Wu

Major areas of research include growth accounting, productivity measurement, growth, volatility and financial institutions, political economy of reform. Published books, book chapters and journal papers including articles in Review of Income andWealth,ChinaEconomic Review, and The China Quarterly. Received MA in economics from the Nankai School of Economics, China, in 1985. Conducted MPhil and PhD research under a UN Fellowship at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, in 1988-93. Conducted post-doctoral research at the University of Adelaide, Australia, in 1993-95. Worked as a senior economist at the East Asia Analytical Unit, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in 1996-97. Visiting Fellow ofGroningenGrowth of Development Centre,GroningenUniversity, TheNetherlands, Institute of Economic Research,Hitotsubashi University,Japan, and theResearchSchoolof PacificAsiaStudies,AustralianNationalUniversity. Council Member of the 28th Council of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW). Editorial Board Member of Review of Income and Wealth and Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies. Editorial Board Member of the World Bank International Comparison Program, The ICP Bulletin. Served as a consultant in research projects sponsored by government, international or national organizations, such as National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), and The Conference Board.