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Jan.2: Dr. Richard Copper from Harvard University: The US Economy and the World Economy


【Speaker】Dr. Richard Copper,HarvardUniversity

【Topic】The US Economy and the World Economy

【Time】19:20-21:30, 2007-1-2, Wednesday



【Organizer】Department of Economics, Tsinghua SEM

【Background Information】Dr Copper got his PhD from Harvard University in 1962.

HONORS AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: Phi Beta Kappa, 1955; Marshall Scholarship (U.K.), 1956-58; Brookings Fellow, 1960-61; Ford Foundation Faculty Fellowship, 1970-71; Fellow, Center for the Study of Advanced Behavioral Sciences, 1975-76; Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1974; LL.D., Oberlin College, 1978; University of Paris II, 2000; Foreign Affairs Award, U.S. State Department, 1981; National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal, 1996.

PRESENT AND PAST POSITIONS: Maurits C. Boas Professor of International Economics,HarvardUniversity, since 1981. Previously: Chairman, National Intelligence Council, 1995-97; Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1990-1992; Under-Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, 1977-81, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Monetary Affairs, 1965-66, U.S. Department of State; Frank Altschul Professor of International Economics, 1966-77, Provost, 1972-74, assistant professor, 1963-65, Yale University; senior staff economist, Council of Economic Advisers, 1961-63.