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Jan.9: Professor Justin Tan from York University: Network Evolution and Technological standardization: TD-SCDMA in China


【Topic】Network Evolution and Technological standardization:TD-SCDMA inChina

【Speaker】Justin Tan, Professor of Management,York University

【Time】1:30-3:30pm,Jan. 9, 2008, Wednesday

【Venue】Room 335, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Department of Business Strategy and Policy


Strategy scholars have shown that there is a positive relationship between firm's network positions and performance. In this study we attempt to shift the discussions from network "effects" to network "process", and focus on interorganizational network evolution in technological standardization to examine two driving forces underlying the evolution process: “self-organization” and “government intervention”. We examine the TD-SCDMA technology inChina's third-generation telecommunication market, which provides us with a unique context to analyze the interplay of “self-organization” and “government intervention”. Preliminary results suggest that on one hand, the TD-SCDMA case has exhibited some resemblance to self-organizing principle. On the other hand, the case also reveals “Chinese characteristics” in that the government has been a driving force behind the evolutionary process. As a result, firm strategy and government policy co-evolve and over time, the government's role has gradually declined while self-organizing mechanism starts to dominate the formation and growth of TD-SCDMA alliance. Implications for future research and policy making are discussed.

Justin Tan is Professor of Management and the Newmont Chair in Business Strategy in the Schulich School of Business atYorkUniversity. He is also a Research Associate in theFairbankCenterfor East Asian Studies atHarvardUniversity, and a Distinguished Honorary Professor in Guanghua School of Management atPekingUniversity. His areas of research include strategic management, entrepreneurship and innovation, and corporate social responsibility.