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Dec. 27: Professor David Li and Dr. Guan Hanhui from Tsinghua SEM: China's GDP in the Ming Dynasty


【Speaker】Dr. Li Daokui, Professor and Chair, Department of Finance, Director of CCWE

Dr. Guan Hanhui, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Economics

【Topic】China’s GDP in the Ming Dynasty

【Time】14:30-16:00, 2007-12-27, Thursday

【Venue】Room501, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Department of Economics

【Background Information】Dr. Li got Ph.D. in economics,HarvardUniversityand B.E. in Economics and Management,TsinghuaUniversity, his primary research interests are in Economics of Transition, Corporate Finance, International Economics andChina's Economy. Dr. Guan is a postdoctoral research fellow in Department of Economics,SchoolofEconomicsand Management,TsinghuaUniversity,his research fields are in Chinese Economic History and International Economics, these days concentrating on studying Chinese history using quantitative economic methods. This article aims at understanding Chinese history comprehensively from the standpoints of macroeconomics, from which we try to combine economic theory and Chinese historical data,and estimate GDP, GDP per capita, economic structure, government revenue, surplus and capital accumulation of the Ming Dynasty by using methods of modern national income accounting, and explore the law of evolution of Chinese ancient society.