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Dec.17: Senior Environmental Economist from World Bank Dr. Hua Wang: Economic Valuation of Environmental Resources: New Developments in Modeling Willingness-To-Pay


【Speaker】Dr. Hua Wang, Senior Environmental Economist, Development Research Group, World Bank

【Topic】Economic Valuation of Environmental Resources: New Developments in Modeling Willingness-To-Pay

【Time】14:30-16:00pm, 2007-12-17, Monday

【Venue】WuShende Building 603, School of Public Policy, Tsinghua University


【Organizer】Department of Economics, SEM and Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance (CIDEG)

【Background Information】Dr. Wang’s primary research interests are in environmental economics and sustainable development policy. He proposed a stochastic theory and measurement method for economic valuation of environmental resources which has been applied in countries such as theUnited States,Bulgaria,India,China,ThailandandArmenia. He is helping a number of developing countries, includingChina,Ghana,IndonesiaandUkraine, establish environmental information disclosure policies, using the approach of environmental performance rating and public disclosure to provide incentives for better environmental performance. Dr. Wang is also helpingChinaestablish a policy program of community roundtables, in order to promote environmentally and socially sustainable development inChina. He has a B.S. in Astrophysics and a M.S. in Environmental Systems Engineering fromNanjingUniversity, and a M.S. in Economics and a Ph.D. in Environmental Management and Policy from theUniversityofNorth CarolinaatChapel Hill.