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April 24: Chair Professor Jiing-Lih from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


【Topic】The influence of cultural values on work behavior: why and how individual power distance belief matters

【Speaker】Jiing-Lih (Larry) Farh, Chair Professor of Management in the Department of Management of Organizations at the School of Business andManagement, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

【Time】2008-4-24 9:00-10:30

【Venue】Room 501, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Department of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior

【Target Audience】faculty, students

【Background Information】

Jiing-Lih (Larry) Farh, Chair Professor of Management in the Department of Management of Organizations at the School of Business and Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


There has been a lot of research on individualism/collectivism in the cross-cultural management literature, but much less research attention has been directed to power distance.Part of this trend occurs because academic research is dominated by North America-based scholars whose ideology is very much against the concept of power differentiation.In my talk I will discuss that recent research in Greater China region and around the world has shown that individual differences in power distance belief plays a critical role in understanding individual responses to a variety of work contexts (such as leadership, organizational climate, perceived organizational support, and organizational justice).