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April 18: Associate Dean for the University of Auckland Business School Hugh Whittaker: Recovering From Success: Innovation and Technology Management in Japan


【Speaker 】Hugh Whittaker, Professor, Associate Dean (International) for the University of Auckland Business School

【Topic】Recovering From Success: Innovation and Technology Management in Japan

【Time】14:00-15:30, 2008-4-18, Friday

【Venue】Room 406, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Department of Business Strategy and Policy, Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

【Background Information】

Prof.Whittaker was born in New Zealand, and obtained his first degree from ICU, Japan, and Ph.D from Imperial College (London University). He did post-doctoral research at Harvard Univ. before moving to Cambridge Univ., where he taught for 12 years. He was Associate Director of the Centre for Business Research and Senior Tutor of Clare Hall there also. In 2001 he moved to Kyoto, and helped to set up a business school at Doshisha University, and a research institute - Institute for Technology, Enterprise and Competitiveness - which received Ministry of Education Centre of Excellence funding. In 2006-07 he moved back to New Zealand, to Auckland University, where he is a Professor of Management and Associate Dean, International in the University of Auckland Business School.

He does research on innovation, organization change and employment on the one hand, and small businesses and entrepreneurship on the other. He is just finishing a book on comparative entrepreneurship in high tech manufacturing in the UK and Japan. Recent books include The New Community Firm: Employment, Governance and Management Reform in Japan (co-authored, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005), as well as Recovering From Success: Innovation and Technology Management in Japan (co-edited with Robert Cole, Oxford Univ. Press, 2006; Chinese version 2008), which he will talk about today.