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June 2: Professor Roger Nagel from Lehigh University: Social Networks and Virtual Reality as Environments for Business Development and Globalization


【Topic】Social Networks and Virtual Reality as Environments for Business Development and Globalization

【Speaker】Roger Nagel

【Time】2008-6-2 10:30-12:00

【Venue】Room 512, Weilun Building


【Organizer】Department of Management Science and Engineering

【Background Information】


To develop a white paper that describes the landscape of social networks and virtual worlds and clarifies the enhanced value propositions of these environments for business development and globalization. To provide an understanding of the current and potential benefits, as well as the constraints imposed by cultural, technological, and business trends and realities that must be dealt with in order to achieve sustainable strategic benefits


Roger N. Nagel is the Wagner Professor in Computer Science and Engineering, the Senior Fellow for Creative Programs in the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science and a senor fellow in the Enterprise Systems Center at Lehigh University. He is also the former CEO and Executive Director of the Iacocca Institute. Roger is a popular consultant, keynote speaker and guest at executive gatherings and board meetings. He is routinely asked to describe the future of manufacturing, global competition, and the information age.