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June 12: Peter A. Kelly from UC- Berkeley: Agricultural extension system reform and agent time allocation in China


【Speaker】Peter A. Kelly, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics,

University of California, Berkeley

【Topic】Agricultural extension system reform and agent time allocation in China

【Time】14:30-16:00, 2008-6-12, Thursday

【Venue】Weilun 501, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Department of Economics, Tsinghua SEM

Peter Kelly is a 5thyear PhD student at theUniversityofCalifornia,Berkeleyin the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics.He is currently visiting the Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy inBeijing, where he is collaborating on a number of projects studyingChina’s rural economy, and working on his dissertation on the Sloping Land Conversion Program.Peter grew up in a rural area ofNew YorkStatein theUSA, where he began college part-time at age 11, and started a farming business at age 15.He graduated with Highest Honors and many awards from theUniversityofCaliforniaatDaviswith a degree in International Agricultural Development.He speaks and reads Chinese, and has spent a total of approximately 3 years inChina, which has included working for one year in a small city inSichuanProvince, and designing and participating in several household surveys in remote areas ofShaanxiandInner Mongolia.

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