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Nov.25: CEO of BP Group Tony Hayward: Delivering Energy for Sustainable Growth


【Topic】Delivering Energy for Sustainable Growth

【Speaker】Tony Hayward, Chief Executive Officer, BP Group

【Time】19.30-20.30 Tuesday, 25thNovember

【Venue】Auditorium, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM

【Language】English (with simultaneous translation available)

【Host】Tsinghua School of Economics and Management

【Ticket information】Admittance by tickets only. Tickets can be obtained at Room 258, Weilun Building on Friday, Nov. 21, Monday, Nov. 24 and Tuesday, Nov. 25.

【Background Information】DR A B HAYWARD

Tony Hayward studied geology at Birmingham University, England, and took his PhD at Edinburgh University, Scotland.

Tony joined BP in 1982 and began his career as a rig geologist in the North Sea.Following a series of technical and commercial roles around the world including China, in 1992 he moved to Colombia as exploration manager and in 1995 became president of BP Exploration in Venezuela.

Tony returned to London in 1997 as a director of BP Exploration. Following the merger of BP and Amoco, he became a group vice president and a member of the upstream executive committee. He was appointed group treasurer in 2000, where his responsibilities included corporate finance and mergers and acquisitions.

Following appointments as an executive vice president and chief executive for BP’s upstream activities, Tony was appointed to the main board of BP in 2003.

In May 2007, Tony was appointed group chief executive of BP p.l.c. He is a non-executive director and the senior independent director of Corus Group and a non-executive director of Tata Steel. He was appointed companion of the Chartered Management Institute in September 2005.He is a Member of the Business Council of Britain, a Member of Tshinghua Advisory Board and Chair of GLOBE CEO Forum for Climate Change.

Tony is a keen sportsman and enjoys regular sailing, competing in triathlons and watching football, rugby and cricket.

This speech is open to all the faculty members and students in Tsinghua.