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3-24: Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair:A Global Deal in Climate Change: the Role of Business and New Technologies


Speaker】Tony Blair, Former British Prime Minister

Topic】A Global Deal in Climate Change: the Role of Business and New Technologies

Time】15:30-16:30Tuesday, 24thMarch

Venue】Auditorium, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM


Host】Tsinghua School of Economics and Management

Ticket information】Admittance by tickets only. Tickets can be obtained at Room 258, Weilun Building fromThursday, March 19 until Tuesday, March 24.

Background Information】Tony Blair

Tony Blair served as Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from May

1997 to June 2007. He was also the leader of Britain’s Labour Party (1994 to 2007) and the Member of Parliament for Sedgefield, England (1983 to 2007).

Mr. Blair continues to be active in public life. He has many interests, not least his current role in the Middle East. He is working for the USA, UN, Russia and EU as the Quartet Representative, helping the Palestinians to prepare for statehood as part of the international community’s effort to secure peace.

In addition he will continue to be an advocate on the issues he cares about such as Africa and climate change, and launched the Tony Blair Faith Foundation in 2008. The foundation will promote understanding between the major faiths, and increase understanding of the role of faith in the modern world.

During his ten years as Prime Minister, Mr. Blair transformed Britain’s publicservices through a program of investment and reform in schools and hospitals,resulting in more children achieving better school results and more people receiving faster access to health care, with improved survival rates for cancer and coronary heart disease.

This speech is open to all the faculty members and students in Tsinghua.