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5-12:Prof. Detmar Straub, Editor-in-chief of MISQ: The Migration of Healthcare to e-Health


【Speaker】Detmar Straub,Georgia State University, USA

【Topic】The Migration of Healthcare to e-Health


【Venue】Shunde 418, Tsinghua SEM


【Host】Research Center of Contemporary Management, Tsinghua University


There are many problems with traditional healthcare that are by no means confined to developing countries.In the industrialized world and in emerging markets alike, there is a parochial or local orientation of healthcare that is typically reactive in nature.Moreover, huge operating inefficiencies abound.On the provision side, there are limited access to pertinent patient information and limited communication with patients.Both result in lower quality.

E-Health offers a way forward.In the simplest terms, e-Health is the use of Web-based systems and enterprise systems that often exchange information over the Internet to improve the access to and provision of healthcare for patients.Specific (but not definitive) areas of application include: (1) evidence- based medicine; (2) virtual consultation and collaboration among doctors and nurses; (3) Electronic Medical Records (EMR); (4) Clinical Decision Support Systems; (5) self-managed care; and (6) telesurgery.

In spite of its huge potential, e-Health could be malnourished or, in the worst case, stillborn as a result of the major implementation issues remaining.Once again, these problems are not restricted to the developing world.The first of these is the creation of an appropriate Information Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure.Equally important are socio-cultural and economic barriers to accessibility and use.Government rules and regulations can also pose challenges and inhibit use.What is clear is that the scientific community, through its advocacy of such systems, should link arms in trying to improve healthcare worldwide.

Speaker introduction:

Detmar has 152 publications in journals such as MIS Quarterly, Management Science, Information Systems Research, Journal of MIS, Journal of AIS, Decision Sciences Journal, Organization Science, Communications of the ACM, Information & Management, Communications of the AIS, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, DATA BASE, OMEGA, Academy of Management Executive, and Sloan Management Review.

Detmar is Editor-in-Chief of MIS Quarterly (term runs to December 2010), a journal which, as of June 2008, had the highest impact factor of any journal in the business and information sciences (5.8), according to Thomson’s ISI.Detmar is a former Senior Editor for Information Systems Research and Journal of the AIS and Co-Editor of DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems. He is also an Associate Editor for the Journal of International Management.In the past he has served as Associate Editor for Management Science and Information Systems Research, and Associate Publisher/Senior Editor/Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly as well as editorial board member on a host of other journals.Former VP of Publications for the Association of Information Systems (AIS), he has held roles as co-program chair for AMCIS and ICIS and was inducted as an AIS fellow in 2005.