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8-24:Prof. Witold Pedrycz from University of Alberta: Hierarchical and Distributed Fuzzy Models: New Frontiers of Fuzzy Modeling


【Speaker】Prof. Witold Pedrycz

【Time】2009-8-24 10:00-12:00

【Venue】305, Weilun Building


【Organizer】Department of Management Science and Engineering

【Background Information】Prof. Witold Pedrycz, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB T6R 2G7 Canada, and System Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. Abstract: Complex phenomena and systems are perceived from different perspectives, diversified conceptual points of view and at various levels of granularity. Symbolic and sub-symbolic processing becomes an inherently visible computing practice. Distributed nature of perception is reflected in topologies of multi-agent systems. All of these faculties challenge the well-established paradigms of system modeling including the existing principles of fuzzy modeling and neurocomputing. In spite of the diversity of the existing architectures and underlyingalgorithms, a large number of fuzzy models adhere to the surprisinglyhomogeneous principles of Granular Computing, which are associated withthe processing of granular information. In this lecture, while being fully cognizant of this modeling underpinning, we concentrate on the architectures and fundamentals supporting the reconciliation and characterization of a family of fuzzy models aimed at the representation of the same system (phenomenon) from different cognitive perspectives. The variety of points of view is directly reflected through different levels of granularity (specificity) of fuzzy sets involved in the construction and the usage of individual models as well as different feature (attribute) spaces being used by the models.We discuss a way in which type-2 fuzzy sets (or higher-order information granules) come to the modeling arena as an immediate result of the overall characterization of the family of the models. An effective way of determining such fuzzy sets is presented. Further studies on the interpretability of fuzzy sets realized at the level of linguistic valuation are presented and with this regard it is shown how those can be carried out in the setting of type-2 fuzzy sets. - Bio:Witold Pedrycz is a Professor and Canada Research Chair (CRC - Computational Intelligence) in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. He is also with the Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. He main research directions involve Computational Intelligence, fuzzy modeling and Granular Computing, knowledge discovery and data mining, fuzzy control, pattern recognition, knowledge-based neural networks, relational computing, and Software Engineering. He has published numerous papers in this area. He is also an author of 13 research monographs covering various aspects of Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering. Witold Pedrycz has been a member of numerous program committees of IEEE conferences in the area of fuzzy sets and neurocomputing. Dr. Pedrycz is intensively involved in editorial activities. He is an Editor-in-Chief of Information Sciences and Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - part A. He currently serves as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems and a number of other international journals. He has edited a number of volumes; the most recent one is entitled“Handbook of Granular Computing” (J. Wiley, 2008). In 2007 he received a prestigious Norbert Wiener award from the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Council. He is a recipient of the IEEE Canada Computer Engineering Medal 2008.