【Topic】Design Science Research in Information Systems: Cycles of Activities
【Speaker】Alan R. Hevner
【Time】2009-6-19 11:00-12:00
【Venue】453, Weilun Building
【Organizer】Department of Management Science and Engineering
【Backgound Information】
Design Science Research in Information Systems: Cycles of Activities
Alan R. Hevner
Professor and Eminent Scholar Citigroup/Hidden River Chair of Dist. TechnologyInformation Systems and Decision Sciences College of Business University of South FloridaTampa, FL33620-7800 (813) 974-6753 [email protected]
Presentation Abstract
Design science research seeks to extend the boundaries of human and organizational capabilities by creating new and innovative artifacts. In this presentation, I will describe the performance of design research in Information Systems via a concise conceptual framework and clear guidelines for understanding, executing, and evaluating the research. I then analyze design science research as an embodiment of three closely related cycles of activities - the Relevance Cycle, the Rigor Cycle, and the central Design Cycle. The recognition of these three cycles in aresearch project clearly positions and differentiates design science research from other research paradigms in the Information Systems field. The presentation concludes with a discussion of several key issues concerning Design Science research in IS – publication in top journals,external funding, and academic value. References A. Hevner, S. March, J. Park, and S. Ram, “Design Science Research in Information Systems,” Management Information Systems Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 1, March 2004, pp. 75-105.
A. Hevner, “A Three Cycle View of Design Science Research,” Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2007, pp. 87-92. S. Purao, C. Baldwin, A. Hevner, V. Storey, J. Pries-Heje, B. Smith, and Y. Zhu, “The Sciences of Design: Observations on an Emerging Field,”Communications of the AIS, Vol. 23, Article 29, 2008, pp. 523-546.
Speaker Biography
Alan R. Hevner is an Eminent Scholar and Professor in the Information Systems and Decision Sciences Department in the College of Business at the University of South Florida.He holds the Citigroup/Hidden River Chair of Distributed Technology. Dr. Hevner's areas of researchinterest include information systems development, software engineering, distributed database systems, healthcare information systems, and service-oriented computing.He has published over 150 research papers on these topics and has consulted for a number of Fortune 500 companies. Dr. Hevner received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Purdue University. He has held faculty positions at the University of Maryland and the University of Minnesota.Dr. Hevner is a member of ACM, IEEE, AIS, and INFORMS.Recently, he served as a program manager at the U.S. National Science Foundation in the Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Directorate