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6-9:Tsinghua Global Vision Lectures: INAMORI KAZUO, INAMORI KAZUO, Founder of Kyocera & KDDI: Great Wisdom of Leap in Depression


Tsinghua Global Vision Lectures:INAMORI KAZUO, Founder of Kyocera & KDDI: Great Wisdom of Leap in Depression


【Topic】Great Wisdom of Leap in Depression

【Time】19:00-20:30, Tuesday, June 9

【Venue】Room 401, Shunde Building, Tsinghua SEM

【Language】Japanese(with Chinese translation)

【Organizer】Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Tsinghua University,Tsinghua Center for Leadership Development and Research,Beijing Cheersbooks Literary Agency

【Background Information】

Dr. Kazuo Inamori was born in Kagoshima, Japan, in 1932. He graduated from Kagoshima University in 1955 with a Bachelor of Engineering degree and joined Shofu Industries, an insulator manufacturing company, in Kyoto. In April 1959, he established Kyoto Ceramic Co., Ltd. (nowKyocera Corporation) with an investment of 3 million Japanese yen from acquaintances. He served as president and chairman of the company until 1997, when he assumed the title of founder and chairman emeritus.

When Japan's telecommunications industry was deregulated in 1984, Inamori quickly took the initiative to establish DDI Corporation, and became its chairman. In October 2000, DDI merged with KDD and IDO to createKDDI Corporation. Inamori served as KDDI's chairman emeritus. He was named honorary adviser in June 2001.

In 1984, Inamori made a personal endowment to establish the non-profitInamori Foundation, and became its president. At the same time, he created the Kyoto Prize, an international award presented by theInamori Foundationeach November to recognize individuals and groups worldwide who have made outstanding contributions to the betterment of the global community and humankind.

His volunteer service includes leading Seiwajyuku, a private management school operating in 60 locations, seven of which are outside of Japan.

He also holds several posts outside of the company including honorary chairman of the Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, trustee emeritus of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and foreign associate of the National Academy of Engineering in the United States.

This event is open to all the faculties and students of Tsinghua University.