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6-3:Joey F.George from Florida State University: Deception & CMC: Report on a Continuing Research Project


【Speaker】Joey F. George

【Time】2009-6-3 11:00-12:00

【Venue】418, Shunde Building


【Organizer】Department of Management Science and Engineering

【Background Information】

Deception & CMC: Report on a Continuing Research Project

Joey F. George

Florida State University

Deception is a normal part of everyday discourse.Most of the time, we don’t think too much about it, but sometimes detecting deception can be extremely important to our professional lives as well as our private lives. Unfortunately, the received wisdom is that people are not very good at detecting deception.

Most of what we know about human performance in detecting deception comes from work in the communication discipline, where researchers have studied primarily dyads in non-interactive contexts. Even though computer-mediated communication has become ubiquitous, we know very little about detection deception perpetrated through computer-based media.

This talk reports on a multi-year, multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional sponsored research project, created to study deception in computer-mediated communication and its detection. The focus of the talk will be primarily on work done at Florida State University. Thirteen separate studies were completed as part of the sponsored project, and three additional studies have been conducted afterwards.

Short biographical sketch:

Joey F. George is a Professor of Information Systems and the Thomas L. Williams Jr. Eminent Scholar in Information Systems in the MIS Department in the College of Business at Florida State University (FSU). He has been selected as a Fellow of the Association for Information Systems (AIS). He was elected president of AIS, beginning in July 2010, and starting in July 2009, he will serve one year as president-elect. His research interests include the detection of deceptive computer-mediated communication, computer-based monitoring, and group support systems. His research has been funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation and the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research.

Professor George is currently a Senior Editor at Information Systems Research. From January 2006 until March 1, 2009, he served as Editor-in-Chief of Communications of the Association for Information Systems. He has served as both Senior Editor and Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly.

He has worked extensively with the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). In 2001, he served as the Conference Co-Chair in New Orleans, LA. In 2003, he was the Co-Chair of the Doctoral Consortium in Seattle, WA. He will also be the Conference Co-Chair for ICIS 2012, to be held in Orlando, Florida, USA.

He has won several teaching awards, including an FSU University Teaching Award. He has chaired 25 doctoral committees and served on 29 other doctoral committees since 1987. He is co-author of four textbooks published by Prentice Hall and editor of a fifth book.

Professor George earned his bachelor's degree at Stanford University in 1979 and his Ph.D. in management at the University of California Irvine in 1986.