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03-19: Stephen Green, HSBC Chairman: Good Value: Reflections on Money, Morality and an Uncertain World


【Speaker】Stephen Green, HSBC Chairman

【Topic】Good Value: Reflections on Money, Morality and an Uncertain World

【Language】English/Chinese (Consecutive Interpretation)

【Date】14:00-15:30, 03-19-2010, Friday

【Venue】Room 401, Shunde Building, Tsinghua SEM

【Organizer】Center for Leadership Development and Research, Tsinghua SEM

Cheers Publishing

Background Information

Stephen Greenis Group Chairman of HSBC Holdings plc. He was born in England on 7 November 1948. He has degrees from Oxford University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mr Green began his career with the British Government’s Ministry of Overseas Development. In 1977 he joined McKinsey & Co Inc, management consultants, with whom he undertook assignments in Europe, North America and the Middle East. He joined The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited in 1982 with responsibility for corporate planning activities, and, in 1985, was put in charge of the development of the bank’s global treasury operations. In 1992 he became Group Treasurer of HSBC Holdings plc, with responsibility for the HSBC Group’s treasury and capital markets businesses globally. In March 1998 he was appointed to the Board of HSBC Holdings plc as Executive Director, Investment Banking and Markets responsible for the investment banking, private banking and asset management activities of the Group. He assumed additional responsibility for the Group’s corporate banking business in May 2002. He became Group Chief Executive on 1 June 2003 and Group Chairman on 26 May 2006. He is Chairman of HSBC Bank plc and of HSBC Private Banking Holdings (Suisse) SA. He is a director of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, of HSBC North America Holdings Inc., and of HSBC France. He became Chairman of the British Bankers’ Association in November 2006 and Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Business Council for Britain in January 2009. He is also a trustee of The British Museum, and an honorary trustee of Peking University.