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03-25: Vinod Singhal, Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology: Supply Chain Disruptions and Corporate Performance


【Speaker】Vinod Singhal, Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology

【Topic】Supply Chain Disruptions and Corporate Performance

【Time】16:30 – 18:00, 03-25-2010

【Venue】Room 406, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Research Center of Contemporary Management, Tsinghua University

Department of Management Science and Engineering, TsinghuaSEM


This talk will present objective and hard evidence on the relationship between supply chain performance and corporate performance by estimating the detrimental impact of supply chain disruptions on performance.It will examine how supply chain disruptions affect shareholder value, profitability, and share price volatility, and how these performance metrics are influenced by various firm characteristics.It will also provide evidence on how quickly firms recover from disruptions.The implications of these results on making the business case for supply chain initiatives and justifying investments in technologies and solutions that improve supply chain performance will also be discussed.


Professor Singhal is Brady Family Professor of Operations Management at the Management School of Georgia Institute of Technology. He also serves as Associate Dean for MBA programs and Associate Director for Education at the Center for Paper Business and Industry Studies. He receives his Ph.D. from Simon School of Business, University of Rochester in 1988. His research interests include operations strategy, total quality management, supply chain management, empirical research on the Financial and Economic Impacts of operating decisions, management science and decision analysis. Prof. Singhal has already published 28 academic papers (including 6 on Management Science) and a number of publications in practitioner journals.