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Stephen Figlewski, Professor of Finance, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University: The Impact of the Federal Reserve's Interest Rate Target Announcement on Stock Prices: A Closer Look at How the Market Impounds New Information


【Speaker】Stephen Figlewski, Professor of Finance, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University

【Topic】The Impact of the Federal Reserve's Interest Rate Target Announcement on Stock Prices: A Closer Look at How the Market Impounds New Information

【Time】13:30-15:00pm, 2010-12-07

【Venue】Room 453, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Department of Finance, Department of Economics

Background Information

Stephen Figlewski is a Professor of Finance at the New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business, where he has been since 1976. He holds a B.A. in Economics from Princeton University and a Ph.D in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has published extensively in academic journals, especially in the area of financial futures and options. He is the founding Editor ofThe Journal of Derivativesand he also edits the Financial Economics Network's two "Derivatives" series published over the Internet. He is the director of the NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Research Project, which is a research initiative at the Stern School that supports applied and theoretical research on derivatives and promotes intellectual interchange between academics and practitioners in derivatives, risk management, and financial engineering.