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Timothy Chou, board member of Blackbaud (NASDAQ: BLKB); Adjunct Lecturer, Stanford University: Business Models for Cloud Computing


【Speaker】Timothy Chou, board member of Blackbaud (NASDAQ: BLKB); Adjunct Lecturer, Stanford University

【Topic】Business Models for Cloud Computing

【Time】4:00-5:30pm, 2011-03-29

【Venue】Room 336, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Research Center for Technological Innovation

Speaker’s Bio

Timothy Chou has over twenty years of experience in the technology business. Over the past nine years he has been a visible pioneer of the movement to software delivered as a cloud service. From 1999 to 2005 he was President, Oracle On Demand. He joined the board of Blackbaud (NASDAQ: BLKB) in 2006. Blackbaud is the world’s leading provider of software for nonprofits. Based on his experiences as President, Oracle On Demand he authored his popular first book,The End of Software. Based on the success of that book he has written a follow on bookCloud: Seven Clear Business Models.