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Nicholas Beale: Individual Versus Systemic Risk and the Regulator’s Dilemma


Nicholas Beale is a strategy consultant and director of Sciteb. Since 2007 he has led a project on applying ideas from mathematical biology to financial regulation, collaborating closely with Prof Martin Nowak (Harvard) and Prof Robert May (Oxford). This work has been referenced in the Financial Times, Wall Street Journal and Nature and is informing regulatory thinking at the Bank of England and in the wider regulatory community. His publications include “Individual versus systemic risk and the Regulator’s Dilemma” (Beale et al. PNAS 2011), “Oil and Troubled Waters” (Harvard Business Review 2005), Constructive Engagement (Gower, 2005), Good Disclosure Practice Code and Rational Values in the New Economy. Currently he is co-editing In Business and Battle (Gower, 2012).