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ZHOU Junjie invited to serve as the Associate Editor of RAND Journal of Economics


Professor ZHOU Junjie from the Department of Economics at Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (Tsinghua SEM) recently received an invitation from RAND Journal of Economics to serve as its Associate Editor, with an initial term of three years.

ZHOU Junjie

Sponsored by the renowned American think tank RAND, RAND Journal of Economics (formerly the Bell Journal of Economics) aims to support and encourage research in the behavior of regulated industries, the economic analysis of organizations, and applied microeconomics. This journal has significant influence in the field of industrial economics.

Professor ZHOU graduated from the Department of Mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley, and is currently a professor of Tsinghua SEM. His research mainly focuses on two aspects: theories about industrial organization in the digital market, and network and economics. He has published more than 20 papers in multiple internationally renowned journals of economics and operations, including Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Economic Theory, American Economic Journal Microeconomics, Economic Journal, RAND Journal of Economics, International Economic Review, Games and Economic Behavior, Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Production and Operations Management.

ZHOU also serves as the Associate Editor of Journal of Industrial Economics and the International Journal of Industrial Organization.

ZHOU's invitation to serve as the Associate Editor of RAND Journal of Economics signifies that his research achievements and academic performance are respected by peers at home and abroad. The achievement also highlights the important Tsinghua University and Tsinghua SEM provide in promoting discipline development, cultivating and supporting the growth of outstanding young teachers, and building an academic highland with international influence. It will also further enhance the international academic influence of Tsinghua SEM and assist in the construction and development of relevant disciplines in the school.