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Tsinghua University-Rice University Joint Reaserch Center for Human Capital and Sustainable Innovation Established


As one of the relative events of ‘Signing Ceremony for Tsinghua University-Rice University Joint Research Center for Human Capital and Sustainable Innovation’, Rice University President David Leebron,Dean Peter Rodriguez and Professor ZHOU Jing of Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business visited Tsinghua SEM. David Leebron and Peter Rodriguez delivered lectures on 'Global Talent and Leadership in the New Era' on May 20th, 2019. This lecture was co-hosted by Tsinghua SEM Career Dvelopment Center and Center for Global Competence Development, Tsinghua University. In attendance were faculty and students, including Tsinghua SEM Assistant Dean CHI Wei, Assistant Dean, Schwartzman College; Former Executive Associate Director, Center for Global Competence Development. Schwarzman College Associate Dean and Associate Director of the Center for Global Competence ZHANG JI, and Tsinghua SEM Career Development Center Deputy Director GU Yingjie.

CHI Wei served as emcee, warmly welcoming President Leebron and Dean Rodriguez on behalf of Tsinghua University.

Then, Leebron delivered his speech to all attendance. Leebron first came to China in 1980 as a student, visiting as part of a tour that included the founders of the clothing store GAP. Over four decades and fifty visits later, he continues to be amazed by the changes occurring here. Years later, he represents Rice University in collaborating with Tsinghua University, establishing‘Tsinghua University-Rice University Joint Research Center for Human Capital and Sustainable Innovation’ just this trip. Leebron said, “We continue to appreciate the quality of education here at Tsinghua.”

Leebron’s take on global talent and leadership is inextricably linked to his time at Rice University. Fifty years ago, 75% of the value of a college education was in the knowledge and skills gained in a classroom. Today, 75% of that value comes from experiences outside the classroom – including internships, research, international exchange, entrepreneurship and leadership. Outside the classroom, higher education should build the characteristics that make people ambitious in a good and successful way, said Leebron. Aside from inspiration and vision, other skills are essential too, such as communication skills, teambuilding, project execution and implementing decisions.

Leebron also expressed his opinion that the ability to change scenarios and succeed are hallmarks of global talent and leadership.

Furthermore, Dean Rodriguez of Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business shared his viewpoints regarding ‘Global Talent and Leadership in the New Era’. He spoke about the power of institutions. A person is worth the size of the problem they can solve, and institutions were created to solve problems that a person can’t resolve easily. One common problem in corporate hiring is that you hire a resume, but a person shows up to do the work. Yet at the same time, this organic process is what brings strength to institutions and creates an institutional memory.

After the lecture, Leebron and Rodriguez answered questions from the audience, addressing human resources and the development of global talent.

Prior to the lecture, Professor CHI Wei met with the Rice University delegation. They discussed cooperation between the two universities, and cooperation through the establishment of ‘Tsinghua University-Rice University Joint Research Center for Human Capital and Sustainable Innovation’.