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Joint Academic Seminars by Three Members of U. S. National Academy of Engineering.


Joint Academic Seminars by Three Members of U. S. National Academy of Engineering.


Venue:North 201, Shunde Building, Tsinghua SEM

1. Technology Management and the Service Sector

Daniel Berg, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Dr. Daniel Berg received his B.S. in Chemistry and Physics from the City College of New York and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Yale. He was employed by Westinghouse in a variety of technical/managerial positions including Technical Director. He was Dean and Provost at Carnegie Mellon University as well as Provost and President at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute where he is Institute Professor. He is a Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, a Fellow of INFORMS, and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is a member of the U. S. National Academy of Engineering.

2. Building and Using Mathematical Models of Values to Guide Decision-Making

Ralph L. Keeney, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University

Dr. Keeney has a B.S. in Engineering from UCLA, a M.S and an E.E. in Electrical Engineering from MIT, and a Ph.D. in Operations Research from MIT. Professor Keeney is the author of many books and articles. He is co-author of Decisions with Multiple Objectives with Howard Raiffa, which won the ORSA Lanchester Prize and the author of Value-Focused Thinking: A Path to Creative Decisionmaking, which received the Decision Analysis Society Best Publication Award. His latest book Smart Choices: A Practical Guide to Making Better Decisions with John S. Hammond and Howard Raiffa also received the Decision Analysis Society Best Publication Award. It has been translated into thirteen languages. Dr. Keeney was awarded the Ramsey Medal for Distinguished Contributions in Decision Analysis by the Decision Analysis Society and is a Member of the U. S. National Academy of Engineering.

3. On Services Innovation: Innovation Enablers, Decision Attributes, and Innovation Drivers

James M. Tien, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Dr. James M. Tien received the BEE from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the SM, EE and PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has held leadership positions at Bell Telephone Laboratories and the Rand Corporation, and is a Principal at Structured Decisions Corporation (which he co-founded in 1974). He joined the Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering at Rensselaer in 1977, became Acting Chair of the department, joined a unique interdisciplinary Department of Decision Sciences and Engineering Systems as its founding Chair in 1988, and twice served as the Acting Dean of Engineering. He has been elected a Fellow in IEEE, INFORMS and AAAS and a recipient of the IEEE Joseph G. Wohl Outstanding Career Award, the IEEE Major Educational Innovation Award, and the IEEE Norbert Wiener Award. He is also an elected member of the U. S. National Academy of Engineering.