The CICALICS Academy 2006 will be held from 19thto 27thAugust2006 inBeijing.TheResearchCenterfor Technological Innovation atTsinghuaUniversity, which is one of the national Research Centers in Humanities and Social Sciences entitled by the Ministry of Education ofChinawill organize the Academy.
Objective:The goal ofCICALICSAcademyis to provide research training and promote academic exchange for the Ph.D. students working on innovation and competence building systems. The CICALICS Academy 2006 will have leading international and Chinese scholars to deliver lectures on frontier research works and on methodological issues. The Academy also offers a forum at which PhD students discuss their thesis work and establish academic links with senior and junior scholars around the world.
As in the CICALICS Academy 2005, this year we are honored to have, among other scholars,Sidney Winter (U.S.), Bengt-?ke Lundvall (Denmark),Franco Malerba (Italy),Anthony Arundel(The Netherlands),Bart Verspagen (The Netherlands), Edward Lorenz (France),Lars Mjoset (Norway) andBent Flyvbjerg(Denmark) joining us. They will lecture on theoretical advances in the field and on methodological series. Methodological lectures were one of the prominent parts of the Academy in 2005, with which students expressed their high satisfaction. This yearCICALICSAcademywill improve further not only on the courses of quantitative methods which were highly welcomed last year, but also on qualitative methodological lectures. Supervision and seminar discussion will be strengthened and carefully organized too.
Academic activities:
Academic activities include:
(1)Lecture series, provided by well-known international and Chinese Professors, each of which is followed by open discussions. Focus of lectures will be both on new advances in fields of learning, innovation and competence building systems and on research methodology;
(2)Presentations by participating young scholars of their ongoing research work, followed by comments from senior and junior scholars.
Date and duration: from August 19 2006 to August 27 2006; totally 9 days
Location:TsinghuaUniversityCampus (tentatively)
Eligible Applicants and Application:
Qualified applicants are Chinese or international Ph.D. students at advanced stage (at the second year or above).
First priority will be given to PhD students who work explicitly on issues related to systems of innovation and economic development in China/Asia. It is expected that applicants present original paper/chapter related to their dissertation work or from their ongoing research work. It should include research objectives, analytical framework and method, source of data, as well as potential or achieved results.
Applicants should fill in an application form, and send it together with a paper abstract of300-500 English words and a full paper or dissertation chapter of about 15-20 pages in length.The paper or chapter is what you will present at the Academy for feedbacks and comments. Lecturers especially those who will teach on methodological courses will use them as input when organizing their lectures.
Please send your application to LI Xibao ([email protected]), not later than 31 May 2006.
(1)No application fee is charged;
(2)Participants should in principle pay expenditure for travel and local accommodations of 9 days by themselves. We attempt to get favorable offer for dwelling for students, the total cost for local accommodations will be around¥100 or$12 per day.
Selection and Admission:
The Academic Committee will decide admission based on excellence. Totally 40 Ph.D. students will be selected. Admission notice will be sent out by 15 June, 2006
Schedule of the 2006 Academy:
| August 19
| August 20- 26
(Except August 24)
| August 24
| August 27
| Morning Session 8:30—12:30
| Academy Opening
| Lecture & Presentation
| City tour
| Lecture & Presentation
| Afternoon Session
| Lecture & Presentation
| Lecture & Presentation
| Closing Session
Academic Committee
Erik BorckJin CHENBent Dalum
Manuel GodinhoShulin GUJiancheng GUAN
Patarapong IntarakumnerdK.E. JosephStephen Klepper
Kong-Rae LeeXibao LIPatrick Llerena
Edward LorenzJacques MairesseHiroyuki Odagiri
Andrew TylecoteBart VerspagenJici WANG