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The 2006 Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society Announcement and Call for Papers


The 2006 Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society (FEMES2006) will be held in Tsinghua University , Beijing , China , on July 9-12, 2006. This will be the first time for an econometric society meeting to be held in Mainland China and will be an important event for promoting economic research in China as well as for meeting with colleagues from Far East and overseas to discuss recent developments in all areas of econometrics and economic theory. The venue of the meeting will be on the campus of Tsinghua University , which is located in the northwestern part of Beijing where many of China 's best universities and research institutes are located. The campus is also very close to the Imperial Summer Palace and the Imperial Garden of Yuanmingyuan.

The program will consist of Plenary, Invited and Contributed Sessions with topics that represent a broad spectrum of theoretical and applied economics and econometrics. We invite submissions ofpapers in all fields of economics.

Program Committee Co-Chairs

Chong-En Bai, Tsinghua University and The University of Hong Kong

Yongmiao Hong, Cornell University and Tsinghua University

David Li , Tsinghua University and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Chunrong Ai, University of Florida and Tsinghua University

Jushan Bai , New York University and Tsinghua University

Hongbin Cai, UCLA

K. C. Chan, HKUST

Chun Chang, University of Minnesota

Eric Chang, University of Hong Kong

Songnian Chen, HKUST

Leonard燙heng, HKUST

Cyrus Chu, Institute of Economics

Ming Huang, Cornell University

Hidehiko Ichimura, University of Tokyo

Changjin Kim , Korea University

Jae-Young Kim, Seoul National University

Chung-Ming Kuan, Institute of Economics

Qi Li, Texas A&M and Tsinghua University

Justin Lin, Peking University

Akihiko Matsui, University of Tokyo

Hideaki Miyajima, Waseda University

Ivan Png, National University of Singpapore

Yingyi Qian, UC Berkeley and Tsinghua University

Shouyong Shi, University of Toronto and Tsinghua University

Wing Suen, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Guofu Tan, USC and Tsinghua University

Zhigang Tao, University of Hong Kong

Guoqiang Tian , Texas A&M

Yiu Kuen Tse, Sinpagore Management University

Jiang Wang, MIT and Tsinghua University

Yijiang Wang, University of Minnesota and Tsinghua University

Shang-Jin Wei, IMF and Tsinghua University

Yoon-Jae Whang,燬eoul National 燯niversity

Danyang Xie, HKUST

Chenggang Xu, LSE and Tsinghua University

Junsen Zhang, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Guofu Zhou , Washington University and Tsinghua University

Lin Zhou, Arizona State University and Tsinghua University

Xiaodong Zhu, University of Toronto and Tsinghua University

Hengfu Zou, Wuhan University

Local Organization Committee Co-Chairs

Chong-En Bai, Tsinghua University

Zinai Li, Tsinghua University

Important Information

Time for Paper Submission: August 9, 2005-January 31, 2006

Notification of Acceptance: March 31, 2006

Final Version Due: May 20, 2006

Conference: July 9-12, 2006

More detailed information about the conference will be available at the conference web site:


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