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Mr. YOSHITAKA KITAO Gives Speech to Tsinghua SEM Students


Mr. YOSHITAKA KITAO, Representative Director and CEO of SBI Inc. of, visited Tsinghua and delivered a speech atSchoolofEconomicsand Management on Oct 16th, 2006. The topic of the speech was “The Wisdom of Confucius in Management.“

Before the lecture, Mr. ZHU Hengyuan, Assistant Dean of the Tsinghua SEM, introduced Mr. KITAO to the audience.

Mr. KITAObegan with a detailed introduction to SBI Inc., including its business portfolio, brands and enterprise strategy. Mr. KITAO introduced to the audience the concept of Enterprise Ecosystem which emphasized the importance of diversification in business. Mr. KITAO also shared with the audience the strategy of SBI Inc.. SBI placed great emphasis on satisfying the needs of the customers. Customer-oriented is a success secret of SBI Inc. and also will lead to future development. SBI also saw great opportunity in developing the business to meet the personal financial services needs of retail consumers. Small amount each consumer might spend, if SBI can provide quality service with favorable fees, the large retail consumer base would also lead to substantial profit.

After the speech, Mr. KITAO kindly answered questions about venture capital, the media industry and also questions related to life wisdom.