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Professor Qian Yingyi Named Dean of Tsinghua SEM


Tsinghua SEM held its faculty meeting in the afternoon ofOctober 13, 2006.Hu Heping, Tsinghua University Vice President and Zhuang Lijun, Vice Chairwoman of the Board of University Affairs, attended the meeting.At the meeting, Zhuang Lijun made an announcement of the decision by the Board that Professor Qian Yingyi was appointed as the fourth dean of theSchoolofEconomicsand Management.

A Brief Biography of Professor Qian Yingyi

Qian Yingyi was born inBeijingand graduated fromTsinghuaUniversityin 1981 with a B.S. in Mathematics.He received his Ph.D. in Economics fromHarvardUniversityin 1990, after earning an M.Phil. in Management Science/Operations Research fromYaleUniversityand an M.A. in Statistics fromColumbiaUniversity.He has been a Professor in the Department of Economics at theUniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley.Before joining theBerkeleyfaculty, he taught in the Department of Economics atStanfordUniversitybetween 1990 and 1999 and in the Department of Economics at theUniversityofMarylandbetween 1999 and 2001.

His main research areas include comparative economics, institutional economics, development economics, economics of transition, and the Chinese economy.He has published many papers in top economics journals, and his recent publications include: “Coordination and Experimentation in M-form and U-form Organizations” (with Geard Roland and Chenggang Xu), Journal of Political Economy, 2006; “Regional Decentralization and Fiscal Incentives: Federalism, Chinese Style” (with Hehui Jin and Barry Weingast), Journal of Public Economics, 2005;“How Reform Worked in China,” in Dani Rodrik (ed.), In Search of Prosperity, 2003; “The Institutional Foundations of China's Market Transition,” in Boris Pleskovic and Joseph Stiglitz (eds.). Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, 2000; “Reform without Losers: An Interpretation of China's Dual-Track Approach to Transition,” (with Lawrence Lau and Geard Roland), Journal of Political Economy, 2000; “Federalism and the Soft Budget Constraint” (with Geard Roland), American Economic Review, 1998; “Public vs. Private Ownership of Firms: Evidence from Rural China” (with Hehui Jin), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1998; “Insecure Property Rights and Government Ownership of Firms” (with Jiahua Che), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1998.