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Three SEM Professors Awarded for Research and Teaching Excellence


Every year, when the Teachers’ Day approaches, a series of teaching and research awards are granted. This year, three professors from Tsinghua SEM got prestigious awards for their teaching and research excellence.

Professor Wu Guisheng, the Former Head of Department of of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, won the “2006 Beijing Outstanding Teacher Award”, which only 15 professors in Tsinghua were granted this year.

Professor Li Zinai, the Former Head of Department of Economics won “The 2nd Beijing College Teaching Excellence Award”, which is organized by Beijing Education Committee. This is the first time for SEM professors to win this award.

Professor Chen Jian, Head of Department of Management Science and Engineering, is nominated for “2006 Management Make-A-Difference Award”. Primarily for Chinese management scientists who achieved excellence in their respective academic fields, the award is initiated and organized by Fudan Management Award Foundation. This is the first year for the foundation to grant the award and there are totally three scholars nominated this year. According to the organizing committee, although scholars in management science are nominated this year, this award will rotationally focus on three sub-fields of management: management science, enterprise management and public administration.

Brief Biographies:

Professor WU Guisheng

Expertise:Management of Technology,Management of Technological Innovation, Economics of Technological Innovation,Industrial Technology Evolution,Regional Development

Courses Taught: Management of Technology,Management of Technological Innovation

Tsinghua University,BS,1970,Automobile Engineering;Tsinghua University,MS, 1982, Management of Technology

Professor LI Zinai

Expertise:Theory and Methodology of Econometrics,Macroeconomic Model and Policy,About Agriculture,Farmer and Rural Area

Courses Taught:Econometrics,Advanced Econometrics

Tsinghua University,BS,1970,Engineering Physics;Tsinghua University,MS,1981, Nuclear Energy.

Prfessor CHEN Jian

Expertise:Supply Chain Management,eBusiness,Information Developing Strategy, Modeling and Decision Analysis for Complex Systems,Business Intelligence and Decision Support Systems,Optimization and Forecasting Techniques,system Engineering etc.

Courses Taught:Dynamic Systems Analysis and Control,Decision Theory,Operations Management

Tsinghua University,BS,1983,Electrical Engineering;Tsinghua University,MS,1986,Systems Engineering;Tsinghua University,PhD,1989,Systems Engineering.