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Feel the Heartbeat of China’s Rural Land


Feel the Heartbeat of China’s Rural Land

---Tsinghua SEM sophomores finish their summer investigation of rural microfinance in four western provinces

“The term of microfinance is usually shorter than one year, but the production cycle of modern agriculture lasts more than that. So this contradiction not only forces farmers reluctant to invest in medium and long-term projects but also restrains their enthusiasm in utilizing microfinance.”

Similar conclusions and reflections appear on the final reports that all 170 participants in Class 2004 of Tsinghua SEM have to finish after their summer social practice in four western provinces. From June 10 to 20, led by 48 school leaders, professors, graduate students and mentors, Tsinghua SEM sophomores went to Qinghai, Xinjiang, Gansu, Hebei Province to conduct a large-scale field research on the development of microfinance in rural China. During the ten-day practice, students and teachers paid visit to more than 170 villages, 1500 households, 50 companies and 30 financial institutions. Besides, they also held discussion panels and seminars with local governments, companies, financial institutions and schools. Through collecting considerable valuable raw data, SEM sophomores have gained a more comprehensive and deep understanding about the current conditions of rural microfinance, rural economic and educational development, and rural population’s living conditions in western China.

This field research and social practice is a significant part of “Research Program for China Rural Financial Development”, co-sponsored by HSBC and Tsinghua SEM. Dean He Jiankun of Tsinghua SEM paid special visit to Heibei Province during students’ practice there and met with Vice Governor of Hebei. Dean He commented, “It’s crucial for SEM students to walk out of campus and feel the heartbeat of rural China.” In addition, he expressed SEM faculty’s gratitude to all the generous support from all governmental bodies in Hebei Province. Associate Dean Tong Yonghuan also commented, “One does not understand China truly if he does not understand its west; by the same token, one does not understand China truly if he does not understand its rural land.” Tsinghua SEM hopes this social practice could on one hand respond to the national policy of constructing a new rural China, and on the other hand enables the program’s participants, SEM undergraduates to sharpen their analytical skills and equip them with more social responsibilities.

Before the investigation, the academic team had very detailed preparations, including literature research, local government co ordinations and questionnaire design, etc. According to one of the chargers of the research program, Associate Professor Ms. Liu Linlin, the whole research program is divided into four sub-topics: 1, current conditions of rural financial system; 2, how microfinance could be developed in China; 3, the social responsibility of rural enterprises and financial institutions; 4, how undergraduate social practices should be designed and implemented.

Since a much greater number of students and faculty are involved in this year’s social practice, Tsinghua SEM faculty and leaders had very careful and detailed pre-research arrangements. Before setting off, the school held lectures and seminars on issues ranging from rural finance ABC, to survey methodology and safety knowledge, etc. The ten-day investigation had enabled students and faculty to understand the west rural land more deeply and comprehensively. What’s more important, through “feeling the heartbeat China’s rural land”, students have strongly felt the heavy burden on their shoulders.

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