The Career Development Center (CDC) of Tsinghua SEM hosted the 2006 Annual Recruiters' Conference & Banquet on December 7.
Representatives from 66 companies attended the gathering including Bank of China,ChinaMerchants Bank, Morgan Stanley, Citibank,Sinochem,ChinaInternational Travel Service Head office and China Resources.
Chen Zhangwu, Associate Dean of Tsinghua SEM addressed the conference, saying the school's ties with business communities would be closer as Tsinghua SEM is experiencing fast development. He also expressed thanks for the recruiter's preference onTsinghua SEM students, as well as their assistance in supporting the students' career development.
The Director of CDC, Wang Jin, in his speech at the conference, said the past year has seen good cooperation between CDC and recruiters. Apart from regular recruitment, various activities were held like summer internship program and seminars aimingto enhance students' professional qualifications. He added that CDC is willing to help to build up a platform through which the recruiters can find the most suitable talents to their needs while students are enabled to begin their professional career.
Xiao Nan, Executive Board Director of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Asia Limited, made presentation on behalf of the businesses community. He expressed thanks to Tsinghua SEM for support provided in their recruitment and praised Tsinghua SEM's graduates for their excellent performance in Morgan Stanley.
Professor Zhang Jin from Tsinghua SEM and an expert from Bigby Havis& Associates, invited by CDC, delivered speeches on career plan during the meeting.