Tsinghua SEM Sign Student Exchange Agreement with Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Escuela de Administración

On Nov 21, led by President Rosso of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Vice President Luksic of Bank of Chile and Mr. Reyes,Chile’s Ambassador toChina, a delegation fromChilevisitedTsinghuaUniversity. The purpose of the visit was to attend the signing ceremony of a student exchange agreement between Tsinghua SEM and Pontificia Universidad Católica deChile, Escuela de Administración, sponsored by Bank of Chile. This is the first student exchange agreement Tsinghua SEM has signed with South American educational institutions.
President Gu Binglin ofTsinghuaUniversityspoke highly of this cooperation in the welcome ceremony, saying that this student exchange arrangement between Tsinghua SEM and Pontificia Universidad Católica deChile, Escuela de Administración would officially startTsinghuaUniversity’s corporations with Latin American higher education institutions.
After the welcome ceremony, the delegation visited Tsinghua SEM and attended the signing ceremony. Professor Chen Guoqin, Executive Associate Dean of Tsinghua SEM, gave an address first. He remarked that though this cooperation with Pontificia Universidad Católica deChile, Escuela de Administración is only a start, it is an important step towards a brighter future. Mr. Luksic, Vice President of Bank of Chile, the sponsoring party of this cooperation, felt extremely lucky and happy to be able to help the two countries “bridge this gap of communication”. President Rosso and Mr. Reyes,Chile’s Ambassador toChina, also had expectations from this cooperation, hoping it could open a new window of mutual understanding between young minds of the two countries.
As one of the most prominent private higher education institution with the longest history inSouth America, Pontificia Universidad Católica deChilewas established in 1888. Its business school is also the first AACSB-accredited business school inSouth America. According to this exchange agreement, in the next three years, the two schools will send 15 students and faculty to each other for a 10-day-course exchange, which aims at promoting the mutual understanding between the two parties and exchanging experiences in business education. Bank of Chile is one of the largest banks inSouth Americaand also among the earliest banks to invest inChina. It has been devoted to promoting the communication and cooperation betweenChileandChinafor a long time.