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Dean Qian Elected as President-Elect of AAPBS for the Year 2007


Qian Yingyi Elected as President-Elect of AAPBS for the Year 2007

The second annual conference of the Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS) was held at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad from Nov 16 to Nov 18. A total number of 46 management and business schools across the Asia-Pacific region attended the conference, including seven management schools from mainlandChina. Professor Qian Yingyi, Dean of School of Economics and Management (SEM),TsinghuaUniversityand Professor Yang Bin, Associate Dean of SEM, attended the conference.

At the Council Meeting on Nov 16, Professor Qian Yingyi was nominated as President-Elect for the Year 2007 and President for the Year 2008. The nomination was passed unanimously at the plenary meeting the next day. This year’s annual conference mainly discussed the issues including “The Asian MBA: Best Practices”, “Asian Case Research”, ”Asian Executive Education”, “Local to Global MBA Branding’, and “International Partnerships”. Professor Qian talked about ‘International Partnerships’ at the conference.

AAPBS is a regional and non-profit association initiated by 11 council member management schools across the Asia-Pacific region. Its aim is toprovide leadership and representation in order to advance the quality of business and management education in the Asia-Pacific Region. So far, the association consists of 81 management schools and 17 council member schools, including Tsinghua SEM fromChina. Last year, the first annual conference was successfully held at Tsinghua SEM.

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