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Mandelson: A Resurgent China must be Ready to Take up Global Responsibilities


On November 8, Peter Mandelson, EU Trade Commissioner, visited Tsinghua SEM and delivered a speech titledEU-China Trade and Investment--- Competition and Partnership.Approximately 200 audiences were present and the speech has also attracted active media participation. Prof. Li Daokui, Chair of the Department of Finance hosted the speech. Before the speechTsinghuaUniversity’s Vice President Chen Zhangzhi, Tsinghua SEM’s Executive Associate Dean Chen Guoqing and Assistant Dean Zhu Hengyuan had a formal meeting with Mr. Mandelson.

“...Identify any global problem we face and you will find that China is an essential part of the solution...It is no longer possible for China to shut out the world or behave as if it were outside the system looking in.”

Started from Russell’s words and opinions towardsChinaeight decades ago, Mr. Mandelson highly appraisedChina’s fast development and progress in the past years without any reserve. Meanwhile, Mr. Mandelson also firmly believed that a large economy like whatChinais today also meant more responsibilities and involvements, which, despite the pleasant appraisals, is the core message that Mr. Mandelson wanted to deliver. As he said in the speech, ‘EuropeandChinaare competitors. We are also partners. Together, we share global responsibilities.’

Mr. Mandelson said that forChina, the new responsibilities and the growing roles are lying in the WTO and the open global trading system, in the collective security system, in global development especially in underdeveloped regions and also in the fight against climate change and the management of global energy resources.

“Europe, as an intelligent critic, will be a strong, constructive ally of reform.”

Mandelson said that the frank debate between the EU andChinaon fundamental rights and market access would continue and was the necessary dialogue that opened the door to wider partnership.

He said thatEuropewould also continue to insist thatChinacontinue to meet its WTO obligations, improve access to its markets and protection of intellectual property rights and reduce state intervention that led to unfair conditions of commercial competition. For its part, he saidEuropewould “take on its own protectionists”, remain open to Chinese imports and adjust to the Chinese competitive challenge.

After the speech, Mr. Mandelson also took a few questions from the audience, which involves education, EU’s support toChinaand also different views on Mandelson’s opinion.