China Construction Bank has made a donation to Tsinghua for launching the CCB-Tsinghua Professorship Fund as the agreement was signed between one ofChina's largest commercial bank and Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management onJuly 5, 2007.
Prior to Thursday's donation, CCB has sponsored on the establishment of "Tsinghua University-CCB Scholarship", and "Tsinghua University-CCB Book Fund" in December, 2006. The CCB-Tsinghua Professorship Fund is regarded as an attempt for exploring a new pattern for cooperation between enterprises and institutions of higher education. The fund income will sponsor Tsinghua on inviting one prestigious scholar from abroad yearly to be Tsinghua SEM's chair professor for English-taught classes.

(From the left: Professor Qian Yingyi, Dean of Tsinghua SEM, Professor Gu Binglin, President of Tsingua University, Mr. Guo Shuqing, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CCB and Ms Xin Shusen, CCB Vice President.)
Professor Qian Yingyi, Dean of Tsinghua SEM and Ms Xin Shusen, CCB Vice President signed the agreement. The signing ceremony was also attended by Professor Gu Binglin, President of Tsingua University and Guo Shuqing, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CCB.
The unveiling ceremony of "CCB Lecture Hall" was held later. Room 201 ofShundeBuildingwas named "CCB Lecture Hall" permanently.

(In front of CCB Lecture Hall)
Later in the day, Guo Shuqing, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CCB delivered a speech entitled " An Interpretation of China's Financial Reform-From the Perspective of CCB's Restructuring and IPO" at a workshop held later. The workshop was attended by more than 300 participants including industrial insiders, SEM faculty members and students.

(A dialogue between Tsinghua SEM Dean Qian Yingyi and CCB Chairman Guo Shuqing)
The speech was followed by a dialogue session between Guo Shuqing and Professor Qian Yingyi, Dean of Tsinghua SEM. Dean Qian said Tsinghua SEM shares the same vision with CCB in three aspects: pursuit of “world-class”, global perspective and emphasis on social responsibility. Guo said, “customer service” and “risk control” were two critical elements in determining the capability of a bank, and CCB has made tremendous progress in these two aspects. CCB, as he believes, will get more and more close to the “world-class’ level as long as the bank continues to make sustainable improvement. Guo also talked about his view on the strategy of “local rooted, global reach” from five aspects including customer demand, business structure, market information and human resources development. Speaking of social responsibility, Guo said it doesn’t go against enterprises’ pursuit of maximum profit; and undertaking social responsibility, as he said, means to pay equal attention to all shareholders. He also noted that it is necessary to properly deal with the relationship in-between shareholders, employees, state government, local government, laws and rules, industrial insiders’ community and the public.