TsinghuaSEM-MITSloanSchool2007International MBA Program Opening Ceremony was held inShundeBuilding. This is the first gift presented by the new students, as they formed an organization team shortly after the new semester. This year’s Internatioanl MBA students include over 80 Chinese students from all trades and 50 overseas students from 13 countries. They will spend the next two colorful years happily together.

The dantesque university anthem brought the start of the ceremony. Dean of MIT Solan, which has cooperated with Tsinghua for 10 years, expressed his expectation and advices to all the MBA members as well as celebration. He suggested being in tsinghua is only the 1st step of the whole great career and we should think more about what we need and what we want. Then dean Qian Yingyi gave us a warm welcome and raised tow hot topics for us to discuss, leadership and globalization. Charles coming from US represented class of 08 provided many contributive suggestions. Finally He Peng fromChinaand Dannal fromKoreathanked the faculty of college and showed the passions of 07 International MBA.

The content of the ceremony was divided into 3 parts, themed as “Leadership”, “Responsibility”, and “Friendship”. At the beginning, Dean Qian was invited to have a dialogue about “Leadership” with students. The audients raised the questions like “what is leadership?”, “How do we manage time?” etc. Dean Qian shared his valuable experience and opinions, and told the students “to be the best self and to be the pride of the school in the future.”

The next is the most touching moment. CCTV 1+1 and the organization team prepared this section in order to call for the charity from the students. Social responsibility is quite an important issue for MBA students as they are the future leaders. The students sang the song “grateful hearts” and some volunteer students performed hand language to deliver the meaning of love. Meanwhile, each student sent text message to donate so that they helped two disabled people in this way.

Last came the theme “Friendship”. There are students from 13 countries this year. They prepared presents for all the peer students. About 20 Korean students performed a Korean featured dance; 4 Japanese students dressed in kimono and sang a song both in Japanese and Chinese. The student soccer team, with the cheer leaders, gave us an impressive show as well. At last, the ceremony ended with the song “Hand in Hand”, and the students all celebrated this important moment hand in hand!

As the song described, all the Tsinghua MBA students will be hand in hand to embrace the bright future together.