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Dean Qian Yingyi's Opening Address to the Incoming IMBA Students of 2007


Let me begin by welcoming you all here to SEM. It is a great pleasure to see so many promising faces from so many different countries. You have proved yourselves to be excellent students and motivated, dynamic and talented professionals. But what brings you here to Tsinghua SEM is a common thirst for learning about doing business inChinaand making yourself a part ofChina’s global success. To international students this is a fantastic opportunity to discover so much more aboutChinathan what happens in the classroom. Take the time to experience this country as it really is; travel, learn the language, eat the food (not just McDonald’s) but most importantly build strong friendships with your fellow Chinese students. Eventually, two years in Tsinghua will be one of the most remarkable experiences in your life time.

This is the first time that I have the privilege of giving this opening speech as the Dean, I came to SEM last October becoming the fourth Dean of the school. In 1984, when SEM was founded, Mr. Zhu Rongji was the first Dean of Tsinghua SEM. He later took on the great responsibility of being the premier of the People’s Republic ofChina. It was always his intention to turn SEM into a world-class school and harmonize the career paths of its students withChina’s development. In his letter to all the teachers and students in 1994, he wrote “Building socialism with Chinese characteristics requires many talented people in economics and management who understand both the general rules of market economy and the particular circumstances of Chinese enterprises. Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management should learn from all the great schools of economics and management around the world and adopt their teaching contents, methods and tools and apply them to the situation inChina. Let’s work together toward the goal of building a world-class school of economics and management.”

Inspired by his words, Tsinghua SEM has made tremendous progress during the past twenty three years. Last year, SEM achieved AACSB Accreditation for Business Education. This makes Tsinghua SEM the first, so far the only one business school in Chinese Mainland to be accredited for having met the highest standard of achievement in education and research for business schools worldwide. So right now, you are standing higher than your predecessors, and it is your goal to achieve more than them. Two years from now you will have the honor and responsibility of being an IMBAgraduate. The people ofChinaare counting on you. We accepted you to this program because we believe all of you have the drive and dedication to make a difference in your careers. Today you are proud to be students of Tsinghua. Tomorrow we shall be proud of you.

Begin your journey at Tsinghua with the right attitude. Work hard and play hard. This university has much to offer your body and soul as well as your mind. I hope that you grow here in ways which you would not have imagined and the key to that is participation. The more you involve yourself with life at Tsinghua, the more you will discover opportunities which could change your life forever. It is my hope that in two years time all of you will be great friends with each other and will go out in to the world with the skills, contacts and vision to achieve exactly what it is you want. Ask yourself what your goals are and go for them. The only person holding you back is yourself.

You arrived in perfect time, because in 2008 when Beijing Olympics will be held, you will be inBeijingand witness the biggest sports event inChina’s history. Olympic spirit is “Faster, higher Stronger”, I wish all of you share that spirit and be faster, higher, and stronger.

Thank you all!