The 3rd International Doctoral Candidates Forum of Tsinghua University- CICALICS Academy has kicked off at Tsinghua SEM onAugust 21, 2007.
As an important part of CICALICS (China’s Innovation Circles and Academy ——a Network on Learning, Innovation and Competence Building Systems), theCICALICSAcademyhad taken place at Tsinghua in 2005 and 2006.

(CICALICS Academy 2007 participants in front of the Main Building, Tsinghua University)
The 10-day forum has invited a number of renowned international scholars to delivered courses includingProfessor Bengt-?ake Lundvall from Aalborg University, Denmark, Professor Franco Malerba from Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Italy, ProfessorAnthony Arundel from UNU-MERIT(United Nations University- Maastricht Economic and social Research and training centre on Innovation and Technology), The Netherlands, Professor Edward Lorenz from Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, Professor John Mathews from Macquarie University, Australia and Professor Alice Lam from University of London, UK, etc..
During August 25-26, the 2007 CICALICS Workshop, organized by Research Center for Technological Innovation and Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship was held at Tsinghua under the thesis of "innovation and development", with over 80 renowned scholars from home and broad attending the meeting.

(Professor Edward Lorenz from Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France delivers speech at the workshop)
Professor Tong Yonghuan, Asscociate Dean of Tsinghua SEM, Associate Professor Gao Xudong from the Department of Innovation andEntrepreneurship, and ProfessorBengt-?ake Lundvalladdressed the conference.