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Tsinghua SEM Ranks No.1 among China's Best EMBA Programs


Tsinghua SEM has come to the top of the ranking ofChina's Best EMBA programs bythe ManagerMagazine. The School has obtained highest scores in assessing indexes of participant’s satisfaction, recruiter's comments and brand influence.

The ManagerMagazine conducts a survey aboutChineseBusinessSchooland issues “the Ranking of China Best MBAs" annually since 2004. It issuedChina's EMBA ranking for the first time in October, 2007. The Result of the ranking was based on its polls on business schools, EMBA participants and employers.

Initiated in September, 2002, Tsinghua EMBA is one of the outstanding 30 Chinese EMBA programs. Tsinghua EMBA Program pursues the mission of “cultivate business leaders to shape the future of Chinese enterprises”. During the recent five years,TsinghuaUniversityhas enrolled over 1800 EMBA participants; 1100 of them have obtained EMBA degrees. The program now has more than 700 current participants. Tsinghua EMBA sees the fiercest competition among EMBA applicants inChina, with admission ratio 3:1. The majority of the participants are from high management level of renowned SOEs, private enterprises or international companies, or government officials.