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SEM Ph.D. Graduates Receive CICC Award for Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation


The 2006 CICC Award for Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation in Economics and Finance has been unveiled. Zhu Xi, SEM 2006 Ph.D. graduate,received the first prize in finance area for studies on Chinese rural financial market in his Ph.D. dissertation. Gao Feng, SEM 2006 Ph.D. graduate received the second prize in finance area for his studies on risk control of future market in his Ph.D. dissertation.

The CICC Award for outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation in Economics & Finance is sponsored by China International Capital Corporation Limited (CICC).Its selection committee consists of 15 renowned professors in economics and finance area from home and abroad. Renowned Chinese economist, Professor Wu Jinglian is the honorary chairman of the selection committee. Professor Qian Yingyi, Dean of Tsinghua SEM is the chairman of the committee.

The CICC Award is conferred annually. The Ph.D. dissertations are collected from October 20 to November 20 of each year. Selected nationwide( Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau included), the award receivers should be fresh Ph.D. graduates who get the degree in Economics or Finance during September 1 of last year to August 31 of the year. The first prize winner (two persons) will receive a bonus of RMB 50,000. The second prize winners (four persons) will receive a bonus of RMB 20,000.