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Conducting Business in China - Chilean Students Arrive at Tsinghua SEM


17 MBA students and three professors from Pontifacia Catholic University of Chile have arrived atTsinghuaUniversityfor a ten-day visit as part of the short-term exchange program started by the two schools one year ago. The exchange started with a welcome ceremony on September 16. Professor Chen Guoqing,ExecutiveAssociate Dean of Tsinghua SEM, welcomed the guests from afar, including the Bank of Chile, who is the sponsor of the program.

OnSeptember 19, 2007, Chilean and Tsinghua International MBA students participated in a luncheon. Over lunch, Tsinghua students discussed the business backgrounds of the Chilean students and what the probability was for Chilean goods and services to enter the Chinese market. Many Chilean students were surprised at the level of internationalization in the Tsinghua student body.This year, Latin American students fromColumbiaandMexicoare represented in the Tsinghua International MBA body.

During the ten day exchange, additional activities include company visit, lectures, and culture immersion programs. The students will visit the Shougang Group, Lenovo, Tongrentang and also a batch of companies located in the Economic Development Zone inTianjin. In addition, Chilean students will tour theTsinghuaSciencePark, a hot spot for companies receiving venture capital and private equity funding.Lectures will include the influence of Chinese history and culture on business,China’s macro-economic outlook, financial markets, marketing management, human resource management, entrepreneurship and management education. Courses will be administered byTsinghuaUniversityprofessors.

About the Tsinghua-Pontifacia Short-term Exchange Prorgam

An agreement between Tsinghua SEM and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, signed onNovember 21, 2006, sent 12 Tsinghua students and faculty for a 10-day exchange based inSantiago,Chile. Later in September, Chilean students come toTsinghuaUniversityfor a 10-day exchange inChina. This is the first student exchange agreement Tsinghua SEM has signed with a South American educational institution. In recent years, business and economic ties betweenSouth AmericaandChinaare growing at a rapid pace. The opportunity for Tsinghua SEM to be the first MBA program inChinato work closely with a top tier college inSouth Americais a breakthrough in business education.

The program is sponsored by the Bank of Chile and has been organized by its Vice-President, Mr. Luksic, one ofSouth America's most famous entrepreneurs. In the 1980s he began to invest inChinaand continues to promote long-term Sino-Chilean exchanges. One of Mr. Luksic’s accomplishments is summiting thepeakofMt.Qomulangma.