Tsinghua SEM has seen its intake of another batch of experienced professional managers as the EMBA Class of 2007 has held its opening ceremony atShundeBuildingonSeptember 12, 2007, on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of Tsinghua EMBA program. Professor Qian Yingyi, Dean of Tsinghua SEM, Professor Chen Guoqing, Associate Dean of Tsinghua SEM, Professor Liao Li, Associate Dean of Tsinghua SEM and director of EMBA program attended the opening ceremony. The ceremony was hosted by executive deputy-director of EMBA program Wang Yong.

Dean Qian Yingyi, Associate Dean Liao Li delivered speeches at the ceremony. Representatives from the new and senior students also made presentations at the session, sharing with audience their experiences and viewpoints.
The 2007 EMBA class consists of 233 students, with average age 39. Students have 12 years business experience on average, and 88% of the participants are from the vice-managing director level or above of their companies.
The students attended the welcome reception at Tsinghua Science Park in the evening.

Tsinghua EMBA Program was launched in 2002. It pursues the mission of “cultivate business leaders to shape the future of Chinese enterprises” and combines cutting-edge management theories with Chinese conditions with a view to training high-level management talents that are innovative and competitive in the global arena. Since its inception, Tsinghua EMBA Program has trained more than2000 students, the most among EMBA programs inChina. Students are mainly from executives from leading state owned enterprises, domestic private businesses and multinational corporations, and 84% of them are above the vice general manager level and 58% are presidents or general managers.