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2007 Tsinghua SEM City Forum Held at Xiamen


Tsinghua SEM and the Organizing Department of CPC Xiamen Commission jointly hosted the 2007 Tsinghua SEM City Forum onDecember 28, 2007. Over 250 people including participants fromXiamenCPCTraining School,Xiamengovernment officials and Tsinghua SEM Xiamen alumni attended the forum. (CPC: Communist Party of China)

In President Hu Jintao's report delivered at 17th CPC National Congress, the central authority hasput forward that "a proper balance will be struck between efficiency and equity in both primary distribution and redistribution, with particular emphasis on equity in redistribution." At the forum, Associate Dean of Tsinghua SEM, Professor Chen Zhangwu delivered a speech entitled "efficiency and equity: two important issues from social progress". The speech, which gave a deep interpretation of the state policy, included three parts:"accelerating transformation of the mode of economic development is of vital importance to national economy as a whole","equitable income distribution is an important indication of social equity", and” middle-income people making up the majority is the basis of social stability".

The City Forum, hosted byTsinghuaSEMEDPCenter, has provided a platform for communications between School's professors and enterprisers meanwhile also contributed to strengthening the ties between Tsinghua SEM and its alumni nationwide. In 2007, the City Forum has been held in Chinese cities ofTangshan,Ningbo,Hangzhou,Guangzhou,Wuhan,ChongqingandChengdu. AndXiamenis the last stop of the forum.