43 exchange students from over 23 partner schools join Tsinghua SEM in 2008 spring semester. The International Office organized an exchange orientation on Friday Feb 22ndwith the help from the Student Union. The orientation is aiming to help the new arrivers to be familiar with new environments and campus life at Tsinghua SEM.

The exchange students come from the United States, Canada, South Korea, Japan, Spain, France, Italy, Sweden, Germany and Switzerland and etc. 31 out of 43 exchange students join the International MBA program, the rest join the undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Tsinghua SEM student volunteers are enthusiastic to the buddy system and they did a wonderful job by helping the exchange students settle down smoothly.

The exchange students received a warm welcome at the beginning of the orientation. The campus tour and lunch with students in the dinning hall help them to have a real experience of Tsinghua students’ life on campus.
The practical information sections in the afternoon by IT Office, International MBA program and Academic Office were really helpful. They offered the exchange students the practical information on IT and academy resources of Tsinghua SEM.
Followed by the welcome buffet, it created a cherish opportunity for the exchange students to communicate with Tsinghua SEM students. The exchange students were thrilled and excited about the upcoming exploration to Chinese culture and new study life at Tsinghua SEM.
On Saturday Feb 23rd, a one-day city tour to theForbidden CityandTiananmen Squarehighlighted the orientation and the exchange students expressed their great excitements and satisfaction of choosing study with Tsinghua SEM.